
Finance & Controlling

My name is Giulia Brandoli, I’m 47 years old and I’m in charge of Management Control at Caesar. I joined the Gruppo Concorde in 2006 and immediately found an ideal environment in which to acquire the skills I needed to fill a sensitive role like controller.

"Combining the know-how of the most expert with the innovative ideas of the youngest is an important value for the Gruppo Concorde."

Our job is to process data, draw up forecasts, and gather useful information to guide the company's operations, with a proactive and problem-solving attitude. We work in a very structured manner, but we respond efficiently to the demands dictated by an ever-changing environment.

Since I’ve been in charge, I’ve tried to combine my know-how with the innovative ideas of younger people, because their talent is a valuable asset to the Gruppo Concorde. For me the task of creating conditions that allow everyone to express themselves to the fullest is very challenging, a continuous opportunity for growth from a human and professional point of view.

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